national debt

Oct 16, 2009

Mainstream Media Vs. Marginalized Socialist Media

Marginalized Socialist Media

The "MSM" acronym commonly used I have been told means "Mainstream Media." Since they depend on turning "Mainstream" into two words, "Main Stream," that becomes a bit awkward.

Right after the elections in November of 2008, even though President Obama won, they self identified as conservative according to the Battleground Poll by the Tarrance Group of the George Washington University. (Nov. 5-6, 2008 / N=1,001 Registered 2008 Voters / ±3.1% M.O.). It indicated 69% are fiscal conservatives and 53% are social conservatives.

FOX NEWS is often identified as conservative and MSNBC is often identified as liberal. Yet FOX NEWS out performs all others by at least double the audience and has over three times the audience of MSNBC.

For MSNBC to be called "MSM," would force defining of that as Marginalized Socialist Media, if you consult the most recent numbers I could find:

Cable News Ratings for Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Posted on 15 October 2009 by Robert Seidman Live + Same Day Cable News Daily Ratings for October 14, 2009

P2+ Total Day
FNC – 1,437,000 viewers
CNN – 520,000 viewers
MSNBC –380,000 viewers
CNBC – 233,000 viewers
HLN –333,000 viewers

P2+ Prime Time
FNC – 2,699,000viewers
CNN— 933,000 viewers
MSNBC –887,000 viewers
CNBC – 206,000 viewers
HLN – 730,000 viewers
Read the full story

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Republican Leaders in the Senate & House

Senator/ Republican Leader Mitch McConnell's official YouTube channel The official YouTube channel of Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell
Senator Jim DeMint's Official YouTube Account Following the November elections in 2006, the senator stood up against big spenders in Congress and stopped over 10,000 wasteful pork projects. Famed Washington journalist Robert Novak called him a "hero."He was recently ranked as the Senate's most conservative member by National Journal and as the No. 1 senator voting for responsible tax and spending policies by the National Taxpayers Union. DeMint understands the greatness of a country is found in its people and values, not in its government
Republican Leader of the House, John Boehner House Republican Leader and a staunch opponent of pork-barrel politics, John is fighting to eliminate wasteful spending, create jobs, and balance the federal budget without raising taxes. He has challenged Republicans in the 111th Congress to be not just the party of “opposition,” but the party of better solutions to the challenges facing the American people. Under the new House GOP leadership team John leads, House Republicans have formed “solutions groups” to develop principled alternatives on the issues that matter most to American families and small businesses, and launched the GOP State Solutions project, an initiative aimed at bringing reform-minded Republicans at the state and federal levels together to promote common-sense solutions from outside the Beltway.

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