The address given by ACORN of 2069 Canal Street, New Orleans, LA does not seem to be a correct one. The addresses go from 2061 to 2071 right next door. Across the street is an AVIS car rental building. ACORN is incorporated in Arkansas and supposedly has its headquarters in Loisianna. It has about $3.7 million in tax liens and is under investigation for that in Louisianna.
My first question is whether the address for ACORN on the suit filed by them against James E. O'Keefe and Hanna Giles is mandated to be correct? Can a suit be valid if the filing is fraudulent?
My investigation indicates ACORN has received volunteers for community service from the Circuit Court of Baltimore.
My second question is whether this would cause a conflict of interest where this case is being held in that court?
My third question is if ACORN profits in this tort, will those proceeds be applied to taxes owed to the US, Louisianna, or Arkansas first?
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