For those of you who have not heard of this slang term before, the Urban Dictionary has a definition.
Urban Dictionary-Obama Zombie:
One who has political beliefs motivated by social image. One who refuses to make political decisions independent of the media. Obama Zombies present themselves as very political.
Jill is an Obama Zombie. She threw out her Lysol spray and bought expensive eco-friendly cleaner. Now she doesn't feel guilty. She has one Che Guevara shirt, one Obama shirt, and one Gandhi shirt, all three made in China.
"A Gallup poll says that President Obama’s approval rating was at an all-time low. Gallup said that they surveyed over 90,000 Americans for this one poll. I mean, where was I when they were calling people about President Obama? The survey said that only 44 percent of us approve of President Obama’s performance. Well, I surveyed nine of my friends, and eight of them said they liked Obama but didn’t trust Gallup polls. As far as I’m concerned, Obama’s doing the best job he knows how, and it’s good enough for me."
While I will not claim Andy Rooney is the only Obama Zombie, or even the average one, but he may be an exemplar of one. The idea that someone is "doing the best job he knows how," is okay for a student struggling in school, but for a President it is not "good enough."
Obama is an intelligent man, but being satisfied with a mediocre performance is not a realistic option. There is no short bus sitting in front of the White House.
Regarding the polls, it is hard to believe Gallup surveyed 90,000 Americans who vote since a typical survey includes less than 2,000.
Assuming all have a phone, the chance of Rooney getting a call is one in 3444. If we restricted this to the 131 million voters, Rooney had a one in 1455 chance of being called. If he is unlisted, we can also say he had no chance of being contacted.
Ignoring the opinions of the majority of voters is okay for Democrats and "progressives," but it is not okay in a nation that began with a commitment to the "consent of the governed."